Page speed should matter to you
Where is the fastest place for my web site?
As we announced, we present for your attention our catalog of pages.
Before the start, you can read a full description of our online test and the essence of the experiment here.
We also advise you to study our guide on how to increase page speed of your site.
Why do you need it? Please read here.
We remind you that a fast site = an increase of conversion rate = an increase in the profitability of your business. Today it is difficult to say what will bring you greater income: an increase in page loading speed or, for example, an interesting design of your site or high-quality content.
What can you find in this section of our site?
Below you will find a set of links to one-page sites. On these sites there is only one static webpage. Everywhere it is the same. The sites themselves are hosted at different hosting areas around the world. Most of the locations are in the USA and Europe. For convenience, we have grouped the page links according to the countries and continents.
Page catalog
How can you work with the catalog?
If you have read to here and do not know why you need our online test, we will remind you. The very first step on the way to a fast site is to determine the location in which your site loads most quickly for the target audience of your Internet resource. Knowing this, you can host your website there or move an already existing site to there.
To find out where the best location is, you will need our catalog. We have done for you what no one else has ever done before. We have placed the pages worldwide for you, so that you can conduct your tests. Our resource is free. But we do not mind if you want to thank us and you can do it simply by clicking “Donate.“
You can work with pages as you want. You can test page speed in the way that suits you. You can come up with your own strategy. And we will be interested if you share your ideas with us.
We can help a little and give you some tips:

2. It is necessary to observe page speed as regularly as you can: at different times of a day, on different days of the week. This is necessary to obtain the most complete data.
What test results can be considered good? When can you stop analyzing page load time data? It is completely up to you. You test it yourself, choose the fastest location yourself and make the decision yourself. If you want to get professional help in this matter, please contact us here.